Tuesday, July 22, 2008




Once upon a time there lived a nanny goat and her kids.

The nanny goat often had to go into the forest while her children remained at home.

Lock the door, no one is coming, and don't let anyone in, she said.

When the nanny goat came home, she tapped on the door and sang:
Dear little childrem, dear little babies,Open the door, lift the latch,Your mother has returned bringing milk.
The children heard their mother's voice and opened the door.

But a wolf also heard.
When the nanny goat left again, the wolf crept up to the little izba and sang in a gruff voice:
Dear little childrem, dear little babies,Open the door, lift the latch,Your mother has returned bringing milk.

Listen! Listen!

That is not our mother's voice! Our mother sings in a high voice!

The wolf hurried to the blacksmith in the village.

Blacksmith, Blacksmith, Make me a high voice Or I will eat you up!

The Blacksmith made a high voice for the wolf.

The wolf went back to the nanny goat's little izba,

He knocked on the door and sang:
Dear little childrem, dear little babies,Open the door, lift the latch,Your mother has returned bringing milk.

The little goats heard the high voice and opened the door.

The wolf leapt into the izba and grabbed all the little goats.

Only the very smallest goat had climbed into the stove,and the wolf didn't find him.

The nanny goat returned home.

Mama, Mama, a grey wolf came,He grabbed all of us, I alone am remaining

!Oh woe is me! exclaimed the nanny goat.

The nanny goat went into the forest to find the wolf.

She saw him asleep under a bush.

She went toward the bush and screamed at him.

The wolf jumped up and ran away,and the little goats came out safe and sound.
The goats went home,and they began to live happily ever after.

Russian Fairy Tale


The fox and the crane met each other:

Well, little fox, do you know how to fly?

No, I don't know how.

Sit down on me, I will teach you.

The fox sat on the crane.

The crane took her higher and higher.

Well, little fox, can you see the earth?

I can barely see it!

The crane shook the fox from himself.

The fox fell onto a nice soft haystack.

The crane flew down:

Well, little fox, now do you know how to fly?

I still don't know how to fly.

She sat down heavily.

Sit on me again, I will teach you.

The fox sat on the crane again.

The crane took her even higher than before.

Again he shook her from him.

The fox fell into a swamp.

It was hard for her to get out.

So the fox never did learn how to fly!

Russian Fairy Tale


Once upon a time there lived a Tsar who had three sons.
The youngest was called Ivan.
The Tsar had a wonderous garden. In it grew a tree with golden apples.
Someone began coming to the Tsar's garden to steal the apples.

The Tsar became upset about it. He sent some guards there.
None of the guards were able to track the culprit.
The Tsar stopped eating and drinking, he became listless.
His sons tried to comfort him:
"Dear Father, don't grieve, we ourselves will guard the garden."
The oldest son said:
"Today is my turn, I will go to watch over the garden."
The oldest son set out for the garden. A little while before evening, there wasn't a trace of anyone, and he lay down on the soft grass and fell asleep.
In the morning the Tsar asked him:
"Well, enlighten me, did you see the culprit?"

"No, Father, all night I didn't sleep, my eyes never closed, but I didn't see anything."

On the next night the middle son went to stand guard and also slept the whole night, but in the morning said that he hadn't seen the culprit.
At last it was time for the youngest son to stand watch.

Ivan went to guard his father's garden, and even though he was sitting there afraid, he didn't lie down. When he started to dream, he took dew from the grass and wiped the dream from his eyes.
Midnight came, and to him it appeared there was light in the garden.
It got brighter and brighter. All the garden was lit up.
He saw the Firebird sitting in the apple tree, pecking at the golden apples.

Ivan Tsarevich crawled toward the apple tree and grabbed the bird by the tail.
The Firebird flapped it's wings and flew away, leaving in Ivan's hand, one feather.
In the morning Ivan Tsarevich went to his father.
"Well, my dear Vanya, you didn't see the culprit either?"

"Dear Father, I remember but don't remember, who destroys our garden.
Here is a memento from the culprit for you to take.
It is, Dear Father, the Firebird."
The Tsar took the feather, and from that time began to eat and to drink, and knew no more sorrow.
It was a beautiful time to him and he pondered about the Firebird.

He called his sons and said to them:
"My dear children, saddle would you good steeds, go would you about the wide world, to places unknown, where you might catch the Firebird.
The children bowed to their father, saddled good horses and set out on their way.
The oldest in one direction, the middle in another, and Ivan Tsarevich in the third direction.

Ivan went a long time, or a short time. The day was summery.
Ivan Tsarevich grew tired, got down from his horse, fettered him, and tumbled down to sleep.
A long time or a short time passed, Ivan Tsarevich woke up and saw, no horse.
He went to look for him, he walked and walked and hoped to find his horse nibbling on a bush.
Thought Ivan Tsarevich: where without a horse to go in such remoteness?
"Well, what of it, he thought, set out, nothing else to do."
And he went on foot. He walked and walked, grew tired to death.

Sat on the soft grass and grew more sad. From out of nowhere ran toward him the Grey Wolf.
"What, Ivan Tsarevich, sitting there grieving, your head hanging?"
"How can I not grieve, Grey Wolf?"
I am left alone without a good steed."

"It is I, Ivan Tsarevich, who ate your horse...I'm sorry!
Tell me, why are you traveling in this remote place, where are you going?"
"My father sent us to go about the wide world to find the Firebird."

"Pooh, pooh, you on your own good horse could not in three years go to the Firebird. I alone know where he lives. So, and it will be, I ate your horse, and I will serve you, it's only right. Sit on me and hold on tight."

Ivan Tsarevich sat on his back and the Grey Wolf leapt flying through the blue forest faster than the eye could see, past rivers and lakes.
For a long time, or a short time, they flew to a high fortress. The Grey Wolf said:

"Listen to me, Ivan Tsarevich, and remember: crawl over the wall, don't be afraid, it's a lucky hour, all the guards are asleep. You will see in the terem window, on the window sill stands a golden cage, and in the cage sits the Firebird.
Take the bird, lay him by your breast, and look but don't touch the cage!"

Ivan Tsarevich crawled over the wall, saw the terem, on the window sill sat the golden cage, and in the cage sat the Firebird.
He took the bird, laid him by his breast, and looked at the cage.

His heart caught fire: "Ah, such golden decoration! How can I not take it!"
And he remembered what the Grey Wolf had said to him.
He only touched the cage, throughout the fortress sounds: pipes piped, the guards woke up, grabbed Ivan Tsarevich and carried him to Tsar Afron.

Tsar Afron was enraged and said:
"Who are you, where are you from?"
"I am the son of Tsar Ferapont. Ivan Tsarevich."
"Ah, what a disgrace! A tsar's son goes out and steals."
"But what about when your bird flew into our garden and destroyed it?"
"But if you had come to me to ask for advice, I would have given him to you, out of respect for your father Tsar Ferapont. But now, about all the city, the most uncomplimentary glory upon you...

Well and all right, render to me a service, I ask you.
In some-such principality Tsar Kusman has a horse with a golden mane.
Bring him to me, then I will give you the Firebird with the cage.
Ivan Tsarevich grew very excited, went to the Grey Wolf.

But the wolf said to him:
"I told you, don't disturb the cage! Why didn't you listen to my instructions?"
"Well, I beg you, I beg you, Grey Wolf."
"Well, well, I beg....Alright, sit on me.
Take the rope, don't say that it is not strong."
Again set off the Grey Wolf with Ivan Tsarevich. For a long time, or a short time, they flew to the other fortress, where stood the horse with the golden mane.

"Crawl, Ivan Tsarevich, over the wall, the guards are asleep, go to the stable, take the horse, and look, but don't touch the bridle."
Ivan Tsarevich crawled into the fortress, all the guards were asleep. He went to the stables, took the horse with the golden mane, and looked at the bridle. It was gold with precious stones.
Ivan Tsarevich touched the bridle, and a loud noise went all through the fortress: pipes piped, the guards awoke, grabbed Ivan and carried him to Tsar Kusman.
"Who are you, where are you from?"
"I am Ivan Tsarevich."
"Eeh, such stupidity to undertake, to steal a horse!
On this even a simple peasant would agree."

"Well, all right, I beg you, Ivan Tsarevich, render me a service.
Tsar Dalmat has a daughter, Elena Prekracnaya. (the beautiful) Go and get her, bring her to me, and I will give you the horse with the golden mane and his bridle."
Ivan Tsarevich became more dejected than ever, he went toward the Grey Wolf.

"I told you, Ivan Tsarevich: Don't touch the bridle! You didn't listen to my advice."
"Well, I beg you, I beg you, Grey Wolf>"
"Well well, you beg...yes, all right, sit on my back."
Again sped off the grey wolf with Ivan Tsarevich. They rushed to Tsar Dalmat. He had a garden in his fortress where Elena Prekrasnaya walked with her mother and her nurse.

Grey Wolf said: "This time I myself will go. You go back the way we came.
I will soon catch up with you."
Ivan Tsarevich went back the way they had come, and the Grey Wolf jumped over the wall and into the garden. He sat in hiding behind a bush and watched.
Elena Prekrasnaya came out with her mother and nurse.
They walked and walked and her mother and nurse stopped for a bit.
Grey Wolf grabbed Elena Prekrasnaya, leapt over the wall, and took flight.

Ivan Tsarevich was going along the way, when suddenly the Grey Wolf caught up with him. On the wolf sat Elena Prekrasnaya.
Ivan Tsarevich rejoiced, but the Grey Wolf said to him:
"Sit on me quickly, for they will not be far behind."

The Grey Wolf sped away with Ivan Tsarevich and Elena Prekrasnaya the way they had come, through the blue forest, faster than the eye could see, past rivers and lakes. For a long time, or for a short time, they hurried to Tsar Kusman.

The Grey Wolf asked:
"Why, Ivan Tsarevich have you become even more sad?"
"But, how can I not be sad, Grey Wolf?
How can I be parted with such beauty?
How can I exchange Elena Prekrasnaya for a horse?"

The Grey Wolf answered:
"I won't part you with such beauty, we will hide her somewhere, I will turn myself into Elena Prekrasnaya, and you will bring me to the Tsar."

They hid Elena Prekrasnaya in a forest isba.
The Grey Wolf turned his head and became exactly like Elena Prekrasnaya.
Ivan Tsarevich took him to Tsar Kusman.
The Tsar rejoiced and began thanking him:
"Thank you, Ivan Tsarevich, for you have brought to me a bride.
Take the horse with the golden mane and bridle."

Ivan Tsarevich sat on the horse and went for Elena Prekracnaya.
He picked her up and sat her on the horse and they set out on their way.

Tsar Kusman had the wedding, and feasted all day until evening.
Then he needed to lie down to sleep. But when he and his young wife went up the stairs, he looked, and in place of Elena Prekrasnaya was a wolf!
The tsar turned angrily toward him, but the wolf ran off.

The Grey Wolf caught up with Ivan Tsarevich and asked:
"Why are you so sad, Ivan Tsarevich?"
"How can I not be sad?
It would be a pity to part with such a bridle, and to trade the horse with the golden mane for the Firebird."
"Don't grieve, I will help you."

And they traveled to Tsar Afron.
The wolf said:
"Hide the horse and Elena Prekrasnaya. I will turn myself into the horse with the golden mane, and you will bring me to Tsar Afron."
They hid Elena Prekrasnaya and the horse with the golden mane in the forest.
The Grey Wolf looked over his back and turned himself into the horse with the golden mane. Ivan Tsarevich took him to Tsar Afron.
The tsar was overjoyed and gave him the Firebird with the golden cage.

Ivan Tsarevich returned on foot to the forest, sat Elena Prekrasnaya on the horse with the golden mane picked up the golden cage with the Firebird, and they traveled in the direction of his homeland.

Tsar Afron commanded his servants to bring his horse to him.
He wanted to sit on him, but the horse turned into the Grey Wolf.
The tsar was so surprised that he fell down right where he was standing, and the Grey Wolf took flight, quickly catching up with Ivan Tsarevich.

"Now, farewell, I am not allowed to go any further."
Ivan Tsarevich got down from his horse, and three times bowed down to the ground, with respect he thanked the Grey Wolf.

Then he said:
"You won't be parted with me forever, I again will call you into service."
Ivan Tsarevich thought: "Aren't you already in my service, all of my wishes you have fufilled." He sat on the horse with the golden mane, and again set out with Elena Prekrasnaya and the Firebird.
They traveled into his region.

They had only a little bread left. They traveled to a little spring and drank the water, and ate the bread, and lay down on the grass to rest.
Ivan Tsarevich fell asleep. His brothers suddenly came upon him.
They had traveled to other lands, seeking the firebird, and returned empty-handed. They came upon Ivan and saw all that he had acquired.

Then they said:
"Let us kill our brother, all that he has gained will be ours."
This decided, they killed Ivan Tsarevich. They saddled the horse with the golden mane, picked up the Firebird, sat Elena Prekrasnaya on the horse, and threatened her: "At home, don't say anything"

Ivan Tsarevich lay dead, two crows were already flying over him.
From out of no where ran the Grey Wolf, and grabbed the crow and his wife.
"You fly, crow, for the water of life and death. Bring to me the water of life and the water of death, and then I will let go of your wife.

The crow flew for a long time or a short time, bringing the water of life and the water of death. The Grey Wolf sprinkled the water of death on Ivan's wounds, the wounds healed. He sprinkled him with the water of life, and Ivan got up.
“Oh, how soundly I slept!”

“You would have slept even sounder”, said the Grey Wolf, “if I hadn’t sprinkled you with the water of life and the water of death!
Your own brothers killed you and took all that you have gained.
Even now one of your brothers is to marry Elena Prekrasnaya.
Sit on me quickly!”

They rushed home, where, indeed, Ivan’s brother was preparing to marry Elena Prekrasnaya.
No sooner had Ivan Tsarevich entered the castle, than Elena Prekrasnaya jumped up and threw her arms around him.

“This is my true bridegroom, Ivan!” she cried, “Not the evil brother sitting there!”
And she told the Tsar everything the brothers had done, and how they had threatened to kill her if she told anyone what had happened.

The Tsar was very angry and threw the two oldest brothers into the dungeon.
Then Ivan Tsarevich married Elena Prekrasnaya, and they lived happily ever after.

Russian Fairy Tale


Once upon a time there was an old man and his wife.

They had everything they wanted, a cow, a sheep, and a cat on the hearth, but they didn't have any children. Often they were sad and grieved.
One day during winter the white snow fell up to their knees.

The neighbor's children rushed out onto the street.

They slid on their sleds and threw snowballs,and began to make a snowman.
Grandfather looked out of the window, watched, and said to Grandmother:

"Well, wife, we sit here looking at the neighbor's children in our old age,"

"Let's you and I go out and build a snowman too."

And the old lady became merry as well.

"Well, let's go, Grandfather, onto the street."

"but why build a snowman, when I already have you?"

"Let's build a daughter, Snyegurochka!" (Snow Maiden)
No sooner said than done!

The old people went out into the garden and began to build a daughter.

They used two deep blue beads for eyes, made two dimples in her cheeks, and a piece of red ribbon for her mouth. How good, their snow daughter, Snyegurochka.

Grandmother and grandfather looked and looked at her,they loved her, and couldn't take their eyes off of her.
All of a sudden Snyegurochka's mouth began to smile, her hair began to curl. She began to move her arms and legs and then she walked through the garden and into the izba! (small wooden house)

Grandmother and grandfather couldn't believe their eyes, they were so surprised they couldn't move!

"Grandfather!" cried Grandmother,"Yes, it is, we have a living daughter, our dear little Snyegurochka!"

And into the izba they rushed, and what a joy it was!
Snyegurochka grew, not by the day, but by the hour.

And with each day, Snyegurochka grew more beautiful.

Grandmother and grandfather wouldn't let her out of their sight.

They doted on her.
Snyegurochka was as white as the snow, her eyes were like deep blue beads, her blond hair reached down to her waist.

But Snyegurochka didn't have any color in her cheeks or lips.

Still, she was so beautiful!
Spring came,the leaves came out on the trees, the bees flew about the fields, the skylark sang.

All the boys were as happy as could be and the girls sang gay songs of spring.

But Snyegurochka grew sadder and sadder, she looked out of the window and wept.
Then came bright summer,the flowers blossomed in the gardens,the grain ripened in the fields.

Snyegurochka grew more and more sad, she avoided the sun, she would stay in the cool shady places, and best of all, she liked the rain.
Grandmother and Grandfather were very worried,

They kept asking her:"Are you ill, little daughter?"

"I am fine, Grandmother." she would answer, but she remained in her corner, feeling sad, she wouldn't walk on the street.
One day her friends came,they were going into the forest to gather berries,raspberries, bilberries, and wild strawberries.

They came and called to Snyegurochka:"Come with us, do come Snyegurochka!"

Reluctant Snyegurochka was to go into the forest, reluctant Snyegurochka was to go into the sun, but Grandmother and Grandfather insisted:"Go, go, Snyegurochka,""go, go, little daughter,""you will have fun with your friends."
Snyegurochka took a little basket and went into the forest with her friends.

Her friends walked about the forest,wove garlands of flowers, and sang songs.

But Snyegurochka found a cool stream and sat by it,she sat looking at it, and dipped her fingers in it,playing with the droplets.
Evening came.The girls played even more merrily,wearing their garlands,they built a bonfire and began jumping over it.

Reluctant was Snyegurochka, to play with them at this.

Her friends kept asking her to join them, so she walked up to the fire.

She stood there trembling, her face as white as could be, her hair fell loose about her.

"Jump, Jump, Snyegurochka! Cried her friends.
Snyegurochka took a deep breath and jumped!

Over the fire was a hissing sound, and Snyegurochka....VANISHED!!

Rising from the fire was a wisp of steam.

It formed a cloud, and rose higher and higher,into the sky.
Snyegurochka had melted.

Russian Fairy Tale


A crow flew over the lake.
He saw a crayfish lying there.
The crow grabbed the crayfish and carried him into the forest,
He wanted to sit on a branch somewhere and have breakfast.
The crayfish saw that he was in big trouble!!
"CROW, CROW!""I knew your father and mother, and they were good people.
" cried the crayfish."
Uhu" said the crow without opening his mouth.
"And I knew your brothers and sisters as well."and they were also good people!" added the crayfish."
Uhu" said the crow again, without opening his mouth.
"However, although they were good people," said the crayfish,"they were not like you.""
I think that there is no one in the whole world cleverer than you!"
Liking these words so much,the crow began croaking at the top of his voice.
And the crayfish fell into the lake!!

A Russian Fairy Tale


Once upon a time there lived a Grandfather and Grandmother,and with them was their little grandaughter Masha.
Masha wanted to go into the forest to gather mushrooms.

"Go little grandaughter, only don't get lost!" they said.
Masha walked and walked about the forest and got lost.
Suddenly she saw it, an izba! (a little wooden house)
The little girl went into the izba, but no one was there.
"Who lives here?" "Where is the owner?" she called.
But in that izba lived a big bear!!
In the evening he returned home, saw Masha and was so happy!

"You will live with me now."
"You will stoke my stove,"
"You will make my porridge,"
"You will feed me porridge,"
"I will never let you go!"

Masha began living in the bear's izba.
In the morning the bear went to gather food in the forest.
"You don't go anywhere!"he said."
And if you run away, I will catch you, and eat you up!"

Masha began to think, how could she get away from the bear?
The forest was all around, and she didn't know the way home.
Masha thought and thought and thought some more.
She baked some pies and put them in a great big basket.

"Bear, please let me have a day off so I can go into the village." she said.
"I want to take these pies to Grandmother and Grandfather."
"No, I will take the pies myself" said the bear.
"On the way, don't open the basket," warned Masha.
"Don't eat the pies,"
"I will be in a tall tree in the forest,"
"I will see everything you do!"
"alright." answered the bear.

Masha laid the pies in the basket.
"Go outside to look to see if it's raining." she told him.
The bear went outside, and Masha climbed into the basket.
She put the big plate with the pies on her head.
The bear came back in, picked up the basket and went to the village.

The bear walked and walked through the forest and got tired.
"I will sit on this stump and eat the pies." he said.
"Don't sit on the stump,"
"Don't eat the pies,"
"Take them to Grandmother,"
"Take them to Grandfather!" shouted Masha.

The bear looked up at the trees.
Masha is sitting high up in the tree, she sees everything! he thought.
The bear walked into the village.

"Open up quickly, I have brought pies to you from Masha!" he called.
The dog saw the bear and ran straight at him!
The bear was frightened, dropped the basket, and ran into the forest.

Grandfather and grandmother came out, opened the basket, and there was Masha!Grandfather and grandmother rejoiced,they began hugging and kissing Masha, and calling her a clever girl!

A Russian Fairy Tale